The key is to buy specific cuts for specific dishes and be firm with your butcher. Opt for tender cuts from the inner haunch muscle if you fancy steak and use neck fillet or shanks if slow cooking. And deer mince makes for a very good gamekeeper’s sandwiches.
Wild salmon is a real treat and rivers in the British Isles are seeing more and more of them. If you can’t find wild salmon there are some good farmed fish on the market, but bear in mind they probably won’t be able to match the flavour.
Culinary Delight
These restaurant, bar and coffee roastery located on a busy corner site in Farringdon’s Exmouth Market. With glazed frontage on two sides of the building, overlooking the mark.

Wild salmon is a real treat and rivers in the British Isles are seeing more and more of them. If you can’t find wild salmon there are some good farmed fish on the market, but bear in mind they probably won’t be able to match the flavour.
You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I’m not hungry enough to eat six — Franz Kafka
These restaurant, bar and coffee roastery located on a busy corner site in Farringdon’s Exmouth Market. With glazed frontage on two sides of the building, overlooking the mark.
Melt the butter in a pan and gently cook the shallots on a low heat for a few minutes. Meanwhile, roughly chop the peas either by hand or briefly in a food processor then add to the shallots with the cream and tarragon. Season and simmer to a thick-ish consistency.
All images are under copyright © Leslie Grow and V.K.Rees
Looks delicious! The pictures are so pretty too! Glad you made it through Sandy okay!
Thank you so much Jessica! I wish more of them let me serve their fish in my restaurant. This is changing for the better though.
I get so excited when I see that you posted! 🙂
You are a genius! What could make soup better than a carby topping? And roast tom soup is my fave 🙂 Stunning photos, as always!
Mandee, you could try shredding the beet! You’d probably only need to use half of it though. =)
That is certainly the most gorgeous brie sandwich I’ve ever seen! Any idea on what to substitute for beet pulp for those of us without heavy duty juicers?
This looks absolutely delicious. Could this be placed in the freezer? And if so do you recommend freezing it before or after it is cooked?